Melodee Westmoreland, LMT
Independent Contractor
As a Licensed Massage therapist for over twenty years, Melodee understands structural patterns that create pain and discomfort. Melodee is very attuned to the body’s dysfunctional holding patterns and how to help them release. Melodee graduated from the Myotherapy Institute with many years of advanced training, which includes Oriental Pathology, Cranial Sacral Therapy (I, II, Somato-Emotional Release SER), Aroma Touch, Neuro-Link (I & II), Spinal Touch, Applied Bio-Mechanics (I & II), Brain Gym (I & II), Reiki (I & II), and Ortho-Bionomy. Melodee has worked independently, as well as for some wonderfully skilled practitioners in the chiropractic, nursing, and spa industries, which has given her a unique skill set as she works with clients.
Melodee and her husband enjoy two daughters, four grandchildren, and two Labradors. In her former life, she was a computer programming analyst. She enjoys learning, cooking, reading, walking, yoga, qi gong, and music.
Melodee specializes in Cranio Sacral Therapy, Intuitive Massage Therapy, Meridian Balancing, OrthoBionomy, and Aromatherapy.